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 10% of Profits go to PADI's Project Aware

By purchasing our products you are making an immediate impact by contributing to this worthy environmental organization, while wearing them you are demonstrating your efforts to conserve our Earth and at the same time encouraging others. 

Please check back often as we are continuously expanding our product offerings.

0100- TheClearBlueLife.com:

This iconic photo taken in the shallows of the Red Sea, Egypt, embody all that is worth preserving in our Oceans- living coral, beautiful fish, clean seas...without these our planet will die and so will mankind.

Featured Photo for AdventureWear

10% of Profits go to PADI's Project Aware

0101- Amenome and Clownfish, Palua Weh, Indonesia. The symbiotic relationship between anemone which provides sanctuary while the clownfish protects is a good example of what is required of us- humans must protect the environment while we partake of its blessings. 

Anemone with clown fish

Featured Photo for AdventureWear

10% of Profits go to PADI's Project Aware

0104- Black-tip Shark, Taha'a French Polynensis

Swimming with sharks is one of man's greatest fears, yet when accomplished turns into a lasting memory. Preserving this apex predator means preserving the Ocean's ecosystem, so saving them is critical. Please encourage all to stop Shark-Finning immediately!

See our video below!

Featured Photo for AdventureWear

10% of Profits go to PADI's Project Aware

0113- Manta at Nusa Penida (near Bali), Indonesia

Several of these graceful giants sometimes circle over divers at Manta Point, where they come for cleaning. Unfortunately they are at risk so please raise awareness to their plight!

Manta at cleaning station, Nusa Penida near Bali, Indonesia